" language "

  • Studying abroad: A new phase in my life

      by Aliya Alturk I always had this dream to explore the world and navigate through new cultures. I realized that studying abroad was the only way I could accomplish this dream. Scared but thrilled, nervous but excited; that is how I arrived to my new home: Marburg – Germany. My name is Aliya and […]

  • Improving your English with TED Talks

    Most of the clients I work with need to use English in their professional lives, but often don’t have the chance to practice, or the time to sit through boring, irrelevant lessons. They may have an international conference call once every few months or need to speak at a meeting, but don’t feel confident enough […]

  • “Making a confident start”

    Making a good impression in a job interview is only the first step. For some, integrating into a new work environment can be the biggest challenge; a challenge made all the more daunting when it’s an international workplace. In an interview with SprachenNetz, Editor-in-chief of Business Spotlight Ian McMaster and Timothy Phillips, National Geographic Learning’s Germany […]

  • HelloTalk – the 1st Language Exchange Social Networking App

    Sponsored Article: Today, over 1,7 million language enthusiasts benefit from world’s largest mobile language learning community teaching and learning more than 120 languages! Users hail from over 200 countries around the world, with 59% learning English, 9% learning Korean, 8% learning Japanese, 5% learning Spanish, 4% learning Chinese, and 15% learning a variety of other […]

  • Is French really the Language of the Future?

    by Steven Blum According to a study by the investment bank Natixis, French will become “the world’s most spoken language” by 2050. Given the doom and gloom typically accompanying stories about France’s waning influence in the world, it’s no surprise that this bit of counter-intuitive fortune telling has proved tantalizing to journalists. “The [French] language […]

  • Language training in companies: why, when, who and how?

    English will help make its speakers and those countries which invest in it richer. This is the economic rationale given by Dr David Graddol, Director of The English Company (UK) Ltd. But as the extraordinary growth in learning English continues around the world, and language skills become increasingly important for businesses and organisations in the […]

  • Language Learning for the ADD Generation

    by Steven Blum I’ll never forget how distracted I felt when I tried to learn German at a Berlin-based language school. As I strained to listen to my teacher discuss accusatives and datives, I couldn’t help but marvel distractedly at the UN-esque diversity of our classroom, filled with newly minted Berliners from Spain, South Korea, […]

  • Are German Words Enjoying a Renaissance in America?

    Psychology Today uses über as a preposition to signify greatness in headlines like “How to be Über-Successful in Your Love Life & Career.” Meanwhile, Americans who travel abroad in their early twenties are said to have “wanderlust,” and pop artists are said to have captured the current “zeitgeist.” Heidi Klum’s ice-cold “Auf Wiedersehen” is directed […]

  • The Limitless Potential of Big Data and Linguistics

    Next time you receive a perfectly cheeky answer from Siri after asking her if she loves you, you might want to consider sending a thank you card to Max Liberman, professor of linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. Liberman is on a quest to make linguistic data more accessible to the public, which could help […]

  • Identifying the Elusive Syllable

    Unless you’re a rap artist or poet, chances are you don’t pay much attention to the “invisible pulses” that form the foundation of your sentences. But the truth is that our speech is made up not so much of words as sounds, grouped together acoustically by syllables. Although syllables are vital to the construction of […]
